Ace Fast Blinds
Please note:
Although we do our best to portray colors accurately, actual colors will vary. Many colors and subtle textures cannot always be appreciated on computer monitors which vary from one to another. All products are custom-made for you, and cannot be returned. If an exact color match is required, then please request samples before placing your order. Remember also that dye lots might vary between the swatch sample and the product you receive.
Prestige Fabric Sliding Panels
Zephyr Color Samples
Zephyr Cloud ZP872 color sample
Cloud ZP872  
Order a sample? ($2 each)
Limit 5 samples, please.
Note: Samples will be rebated for orders $200.00 and over.
Zephyr Sunrise ZP873 color sample
Sunrise ZP873  
Order a sample? ($2 each)
Limit 5 samples, please.
Note: Samples will be rebated for orders $200.00 and over.
Zephyr Dawn ZP875 color sample
Dawn ZP875  
Order a sample? ($2 each)
Limit 5 samples, please.
Note: Samples will be rebated for orders $200.00 and over.
Zephyr Mist ZP876 color sample
Mist ZP876  
Order a sample? ($2 each)
Limit 5 samples, please.
Note: Samples will be rebated for orders $200.00 and over.
©Ace Fast Blinds  Phone: (866) 5-Buy Ace
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